Microsoft Keyboard shortcuts For Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Microsoft Keyboard shortcuts

Know the important Microsoft keyboard shortcuts for MS Word, MS Excel, and PowerPoint to speed up your work and boost your productivity. If you are a professional Microsoft user, you should know the keyboard shortcut keys. Keyboard shortcuts can help you do regular tasks easily and save time. In this article, we will provide the A-Z most important Microsoft keyboard shortcuts and their actions that can help you complete your regular tasks easily.

The Benefit of Microsoft Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Office is the most usable application in the world. It has some keyboard shortcut keys that are helpful for regular computer users. Microsoft keyboard shortcuts are powerful tools that can easily improve your skills across Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. By using these shortcut keys, you can easily do your routine tasks. Here are the benefits of using shortcut keys to enhance your workflow:

  • Boost Efficiency: Complete tasks quickly without needing to use a mouse.
  • Enhance Productivity: Perform repetitive functions efficiently, saving valuable time.
  • Maintain Focus: Stay concentrated on your work and avoid distractions.
  • Reduce Errors: Minimize mistakes when using specific commands.
  • Consistent Across Apps: Apply familiar keyboard shortcuts in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Personalize Your Workflow: Customize shortcuts to fit your needs and preferences.

Now we are providing an A-Z Microsoft keyboard shortcut category-wise list so that you can easily use the action key.

MS Excel Shortcuts to Improve Your Spreadsheet Skills

Microsoft (MS) Excel is the most usable and common tool for many companies or industries. People use it to format, organize, analyze, report, and calculate data in table format. To perform these tasks quickly and efficiently, the MS Excel shortcut key is crucial. In this section, we are going to provide you with a category-wise important Excel shortcut key that can help you complete your regular tasks easily and improve your productivity.

MS excel keyboard shortcut

File Operations

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + NCreate a new workbook.
Ctrl +OOpen an existing workbook.
Ctrl + SSave the current workbook.
F12Open the Save As dialog box.
Ctrl + POpen the Print dialog box.

Editing and formatting

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + CCopy the selected cells.
Ctrl + XCut the selected cells.
Ctrl + VPaste the copied or cut cells.
Ctrl + ASelect the entire worksheet.
Ctrl + BApply or remove bold formatting.
Ctrl + IApply or remove italic formatting.
Ctrl + UApply or remove underline formatting.
Ctrl + 1Open the Format Cells dialog.
Ctrl + TCreate a table from the chosen data.
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink.
F2Edit the active cell with the cursor at the end of the content.
f4Repeat the last action or switch between exact and relative references in a formula.

Navigation Key

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of the worksheet.
Ctrl + EndMove the last cell with data in the worksheet.
Ctrl +Shift + Arrow keyExtend the selection to the last cells in the data region.

Find and Replace

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + FOpen the Find Dialog to search within the workbook.
Ctrl + HOpen the Find and Replace dialog.

Row and Colum Operations

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + SpacebarSelect the entire column.
Shift + SpacebarSelect the entire row.
Ctrl + Shift ++Insert a new cell, row, or column.
Ctrl + Shift + Delete the selected cells, row, or column.

Formula and Calculation

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + ‘ (Grave accent)Toggle between displaying cell values and formulas.
F9Calculate all worksheets in open workbooks.
Ctrl + F9Minimize the workbook window.
Shift + F9Calculate the active worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle filters on or off for the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand or Collapse the formula bar.

Date and Time

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + ; (semicolon)Enter the current date.
Ctrl + Shift + : (colon)Enter the current time.

Number Formatting

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply the currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply the percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + ^Apply the scientific number format.
Ctrl + Shift + #Apply the date format.
Ctrl + Shift + @Apply the time format.
 Ctrl + Shift + ~Apply the general number format.


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Shift + &Add an outline border to the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + _Remove the outline border from the selected cells.

Window Management

Shortcut Action
Ctrl +F9Minimize the workbook window.

Macro and VBA

Shortcut Action
Alt + F8Open the Macro dialog.
Alt + F11Open the Visual Basic For applications (VBA) Editor.

Special Operations

Shortcut Action
Alt + EnterStart a new line within a cell.
Ctrl + Alt + VOpen the Past Special dialog.
Ctrl + DFill the selected cell down with the content from the above cells.
Ctrl + RFill the selected cell right with the content form the left cell.

MS Word Shortcuts for Editing Documents

MS Word is another application in Microsoft Office, primarily used for designing documents and writing text. MS Word shortcuts key simplify text entry and document design. Microsoft offers a range of keyboard shortcuts to streamline regular tasks. To become a professional MS Word user, mastering these shortcuts is essential. Now, we provide a category-wise MS Word keyboard shortcuts list to help you complete tasks more efficiently and boost your productivity.

File Operations

MS word Keyboard shortcut

Editing and Navigation

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + CCopy the chosen text or object.
Ctrl + XCut the chosen text or object.
Ctrl + VPaste the copied or cut text or object.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + ASelect all content in the document.
Ctrl + FOpen the find dialog to search within the document.
Ctrl + HOpen the Find and Replace dialog.
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl +DeleteDelete the word to the right of your cursor.
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove the cursor one word to the left, right, up, or down.
Shift + Arrow KeyExtend the selection by one character or line.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keyExtend the selection by one word.
Ctrl + GOpen the Go To dialog box.


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + BApply or remove bold formatting.
Ctrl + IApply or remove italic formatting.
Ctrl + UApply or remove underline formatting.
Ctrl + ECenter- align the selected text.
Ctrl + LLeft- align the selected text.
Ctrl + RRight-align the selected text.
Ctrl + JJustify the selected text (align text to both left and right margins).
Ctrl + MIncrease the left indent of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + M Decrease the left indent of the paragraph.
Ctrl + TIncrease the hanging indent.
Ctrl + Shift + TDecrease the hanging indent.
Ctrl + DOpen the font dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + FChange the font.
Ctrl + Shift + PChange the font size.
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase the font size by 1 point.
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease the font size by 1 point.
Ctrl +1Apply single line spacing.
Ctrl +2Apply double line spacing.
Ctrl +5Apply 1.5 line spacing.
Ctrl + 0Add or remove 12 points of spacing before a paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + LApply the default bullet style.
Ctrl + Shift + NApply the Normal Style to the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + 1Apply the Heading 1 Style.
Ctrl + Shift + 2Apply the Heading 2 Style.
Ctrl + Shift + 3Apply the Heading 3 Style.
Ctrl + QRemove paragraph formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + KFormat the selected text as small capitals.
Ctrl + Shift + UChange the chosen text to uppercase.
Ctrl + Shift + LChange the chosen text to lowercase.

Insert and Special Operations

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + KInsert hyperlink
Ctrl + EnterInsert a page break.
Ctrl + Shift + EnterInsert a column break.
Ctrl + Shift + SpacebarInsert a non-breaking space.
Ctrl + Shift + HyphenInsert a non-breaking Hyphen
Alt + Ctrl + FInsert a Footnote.
Alt + Ctrl + DInsert a endnote.
Alt + Shift + DInsert the current date.
Alt + Shift + TInsert the current time.
Ctrl + Shift + EToggle Track Change on or off.
Ctrl  + Shift +*Show or hide non-printing characters (example : spaces, paragraph marks).


Shortcut Action
F7Open the Spelling and Grammar check.
 Shift + F7Open the Thesaurus.

Top PowerPoint Shortcuts to Boost Presentation Skills

Microsoft PowerPoint is a famous application for creating, editing, and delivering presentation videos. Learning the PowerPoint shortcuts can significantly improve your presentation skills. If you are a student, teacher, professional, business presenter, or public speaker, you should know the keyword shortcut for smooth presentations. Now we are providing a category-wise Microsoft (MS) PowerPoint keyword shortcut list with a short description so that you can smoothly perform your regular presentation task and improve your productivity.

Basic Shortcut

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + CCopy the selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + XCut the selected text, object, or slide.
Ctrl + VPaste the selected text, object, or slide.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last action.
Ctrl + ASelect the all object, text or slide.
Ctrl + FOpen the find dialog box in the presentation.
Ctrl + HOpen the Find and Replace dialog.
Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink.
Alt + Shift + DInsert the current date in the slide header or footer.
Alt + Shift + TInsert the current time in the slide header of footer.

Presentation Management

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + NCreate a new presentation.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing presentation.
Ctrl + SSave the current presentation.
F 12Open the Save As Dialog.
Ctrl + POpen the Print dialog.
Ctrl + MInsert a new slide.
Ctrl + DDuplicate the selected slide or object.
Ctrl + F1Show or hide the ribbon.
Ctrl + Shift + SOpen the Save as dialog.

Text Formatting

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + BApply or remove bold formatting to the selected text.
Ctrl + IApply or remove Italic formatting to the selected text
Ctrl + UApply or remove Underline formatting to the selected text
Ctrl + ECenter-align the selected text.
Ctrl + LLeft-align the selected text.
Ctrl + RRight -align the selected text.
Ctrl + JJustify the selected text.
Ctrl + TOpen the Font dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase the font size of the chosen text.
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease the font size of the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + +Superscript the selected text.
Ctrl + =Subscript the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the formatting of the selected text or object.
Ctrl + Shift + VPast the copied formatting onto another text or object.
Ctrl + Shift + FApply the Format Painter tool.


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + EnterMove to the next slider or to the title placeholder of the nest slide.
Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the presentation.
Ctrl + EndMove to the end of the presentation.
Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove the selected object incrementally.
Shift + Arrow KeyResize the selected object incrementally.

Slide Management

Shortcut Action
Alt + Shift + Arrow KeyMove the selected slide up or down in the slider order.
Ctrl + Shift + GGroup the selected objects.
Ctrl + Shift + HUngroup the selected objects.
Ctrl + GOpen the Grid and Guides dialog box.
Alt + F9Show or hide the gridlines.
Alt + Shift + Up ArrowMove the selected slide up in the order.
Alt + Shift + Down ArrowMove the selected slide down in the order.
Alt + Shift + Left  ArrowPromote a paragraph.
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowDemote a paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + Right ArrowExpand a collapsed group in the outline.
Ctrl + Shift + Left ArrowCollapse an expanded group in the outline.
Ctrl + Shift + MInsert a new Slide master.

Slide Show

Shortcut Action
F5Run the slide show from the opening.
Shift + F5Start the slide show from the current slide.
EscEnd the slideshow.
BMake the screen go black during a slideshow (press again to return)
WMake the screen go White during a slideshow (press again to return).

View Modes

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + 1Switch to Normal view.
Ctrl + 2Switch to Slide Sorter view.
Ctrl + 3Switch to Reading view.
Ctrl + 4Switch to Notes Page view.


Read More 

Windows, Mac, Linux keyboard shortcut 

How to take Laptop Screenshot using Keyboard shortcut 

How to Fix Keyboard Shortcut Problem For Word, Excel & PowerPoint

Sometimes, keyboard shortcuts may not work due to various issues. Don’t worry! In this section, we provide accurate solutions to fix common problems with Microsoft Office applications like MS Word, MS Excel, and PowerPoint.

Follow the Step Below to solve your Microsoft keyboard shortcut Problem easily.

Check the keyboard layout and language settings

  • Make sure your keyboard layout fits your physical keyboard. Sometimes, a wrong layout can lead to not working shortcuts.
  • Go to Control Panel > Language and Region > Change keyboards to verify or change the keyboard layout.

Restart The Applications

  • Close the problematic application (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) and restart it. This can sometimes resolve temporary glitches.

Check for Conflicting Add-ins

Some third-party add-ins may interfere with the default keyboard shortcuts.
To disable add-ins:

  • Word/Excel/PowerPoint: Go to File > Options > Add-ins.
  • In the Manage box, select COM Add-ins, and click Go.
  • Uncheck all add-ins, click OK, and restart the application.

Reset Customizations

If you have customized the ribbon or shortcuts, resetting them may resolve the issue.

  • Word/Excel/PowerPoint: Go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Reset.
  • Click on Reset all customizations.

Update or Repair Office Installation

  • Make sure your office suite is up-to-date.
  • Go to Microsoft File > Account > Update Button> Update Now.

Reassign Shortcuts with Macros (Advanced)

  • For users comfortable with macros, you can reassign or create new shortcuts using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).

By following these steps, you can easily resolve common issues with keyboard shortcuts in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


Thank you for reading this article. By using these Microsoft keyboard shortcuts for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can significantly enhance your productivity and workflow. These shortcuts will help you work faster, save time, and easily navigate all the important programs.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave your valuable comments below. We are here to assist you.

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